Detailed accounts classes

Detailed accounts classes

Detailed accounts classes



This widget presents the current balances of all accounts classes (Asset, Liability, Equity, Expenses, Revenue), as well as the accounts' balances, ordered by classes.


The classification used on the widget does not depend on the accounting package chosen. Nevertheless, a class only appears on the widget if an account has been created in this class.

For each account's class, the balance displayed is the sum of accounts' balances belonging to this class.

For each account's class, a click on "+" details the account's current balances belonging to the class.



See it in QuickBooks

To see the equivalent report on QuickBooks, go to >Reports then search for >Accounts List.

You will be able to customize your report (>Customise): >Account>"All Asset Accounts" or >"All Liability Account", etc.

This setting corresponds to the widget's major classification (Asset, Liability, Equity, Revenue and Expense).

Noticeable differences with the Impac! widget

The balances of accounts in the QuickBooks report are not summed to create a class' balance.

All Liability Accounts


See it in Xero

To see the equivalent information on Xero, go to >Settings>Chart of Accounts.

You will then be able to choose the class you want to look at: >Asset, >Liabilities, etc.

Noticeable differences with the Impac! widget

  • The balances of accounts in Xero are not summed to create a class' balance
  • Debit-Accounts balances are displayed negative in the widget but positive in Xero

All Asset Accounts

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