Creating and Managing your team on Maestrano

Creating and Managing your team on Maestrano

A team enables you to manage app by app and team by team who can access/view which application of your business. Typically you may restrict access to your payroll app only to your HR team, and allow your sales team to only access their CRM application.



First, you have to be logged in on maestrano.com and go to your dashboard. 







Once on your dashboard, click on the "Company" menu, located in the left side bar.





To create a team, and be able to manage access to applications, click on ‘’ Team ‘’.







If this is your first team, simply click on "Add a Team Now!". You can give it the name you want.

If you already have created a team, you can create another one by clicking on "create a new team".

Any question? Contact us on support@maestrano.com