Adding users to an organization on Maestrano

Adding users to an organization on Maestrano

Adding users to an organization on Maestrano 

First, you have to log in maestrano.com and click on ‘’MY APP’’, in the top right corner of your screen. 

Once on your dashboard, in the left side bar of your screen, click on the ‘’Company’’ menu.

From the rubric "Company", click on the "Members" tab, located next to "Billing".

To add users to your organization, you simply have to click on the "+ Invite Users".

You will be required to enter the email address of the person you want to invite to the organization. You can invite multiple users at the same tim, separating them by a coma.

Setting permission levels

Important Note: Users do not need to have an account on Maestrano to receive your invitation. They will however have to create a personal account to be able to accept your request and join the organization. 

To facilitate the administration and management of the organizations, we have created 4 levels of permissions for the organizations.

Super Admin: This role have all permissions of admin and they are in control of the billing details of their organization. They can promote any member to Super Admin, terminate or rename an organization (deleting all apps and data contained).

Admin: They have all permissions of Power User, promote any member to Admin, create as many reports in Impac!™ as they want. They can invite new people in the organization.

Power User (will soon be deprecated) and Member: They can access applications and use them. They have no privilege in the organization and can only use the applications turned on, see the list of members of the organisation and the list of applications belonging to the organisation.

Once you have added the email of a colleague, you can set the permissions for this new collaborator.

The invitee will receive a confirmation email, valid for 72 hours (if not accepted within this time frame, you will have to resend the invitation following the same process).

When the invitee clicks on the link in the email, they are redirected to Maestrano where they can accept the invite.

In case the user does not have a Maestrano account, they will have the capacity to create one on the spot.

Any question? Contact us on support@maestrano.com