Introduction to Maestrano Dashboard

Introduction to Maestrano Dashboard

The main operational section of our website is undoubtedly the dashboard. It is the central place where you can find and access all your apps. You access your dashboard by clicking on My Apps (top right corner of your screen) when you are logged in your Maestrano account. 



As an admin, you will first see a screen where you can add the apps you want to use in your business. At the top, there is your dock, containing the apps used by your company, and on the right of the dock is a + icon you can use to add new apps.

The bottom part of the screen allows you to create reporting dashboards. As many as your business requires!







On the left side of your screen, you have an expandable menu with the different menus to manage your account, company, support.





"My Account" is the section in which you can manage your personal information, like name, email, profile picture or password.







As an admin, you can click on " Company " to change your Billing details, add a member, change your team or Settings.

This section is only available for Super admin and Admin.





The support section contains the most popular links to this knowledge center. You can also find different alternatives to reach out to the Maestrano team!


And always remember, in the bottom right corner of your screen, our chat is available by simply clicking on the blue circle! 







The marketplace gathers all the apps you can add to your dashboard. If you want to trial or launch one, click on launch app form the app page.

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Any question? Contact us on support@maestrano.com