How to use the Dashboard

How to use the Dashboard



The QuoteCloud dashboard is the main screen you see when you login. It allows you to perform many functions. An overview of each function is listed below:



1. Main menu bar


The main menu bar has two main view tabs “Sales Forecast” and “Dashboard”. The sales forecast allows you to set your confidence factor (as a percentage) of winning the project and the month in which you feel the project is likely to close.

If you are an administrator level user you will also see an “ADMIN: Configuration” drop-down if the menu bar. This menu has several options allowing you to control the proposal styling (colours, fonts, logo), manage cover page images, administer your templates, manage users and static content in you library. You can also set various system wide settings, change your password and adjust your account subscription level.

All users also see their profile drop-down menu towards the right hand side of the top menu bar. This allows you to change profile settings, manage notifications, change your password, email support and logout.

The last icon on the right of the menu bar is a full screen toggle button switching between full screen and the original browser window size.

2. Create proposal


This button opens the proposal wizard, after entering a few basic details you  the proposal will open in edit mode allowing you to author all the content

3. Proposal status filters


The list of icons represent each status of the proposal workflow. The list of icons corresponds to the first column in the main proposal table (5).  Clicking on an icon filters the main proposal list to only show those proposals, clicking the icon again switches the filter off. These icons can be combined to filter by multiple statuses.

4. Proposal table header


The proposal table header allows you to further filter the proposals displayed by date range and by free-text search. You can also specify how many proposals to show in each page and at the bottom of the screen you can page forwards/backwards through the list and download the current set of proposals for reporting purposes.

5. Proposal list


The proposal list itself displays a row for each proposal. You columns show you summary detail of the proposal along with any notification alerts if your client’s has sent you a message regarding their proposal. The right hand column allows you to “View” or “Edit” the proposal (depending on what status the proposal is in) and the drop menu contains options for exporting a PDF of the proposal and entering the “Manage” window which allows you to perform many additional functions pertaining to that proposal (this is covered in more detail elsewhere in this manual).



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