

Short description 

Boxsuite takes the stress out of the most time consuming and costly HR duties by being your single solution for all of your rostering, attendance, communication, cost analysis and event coverage needs. It is extremely flexible and can be setup to suit any industry. Likewise it can be scaled to be used in businesses from 1 to 40k staff.

Boxsuite saves you time and money by forecasting staff costs and intelligently managing shifts and availability. Boxsuite gives employers and employees the ability to manage all of their roster needs online at anytime.

Communication is key, our application leverages a wide variety of mediums including, in-app messages, sms, emails, popup alerts and dashboard alerts. If there’s an issue that requires your attention, like a shift swap or time off request, Boxsuite will let you know.

Boxsuite eliminates the need for countless phone calls between you and your staff.

Our web or app based punch clocks reduce fraud and save you time and money by easily tracking staff attendance, hours and costs. Our applications work on multiple platforms including, mobile, tablet and desktop.

We don't believe in telling you how to run your business, to this end we've made the Boxsuite customisation extremely flexible to suit a wide range of industries.

Type of App* 
Open Source
Third Party

*Please refer to the 'Which app type' article in our user knowledge
base to find out more about the differences in open source, third-party
and connectors.

Type of Integration
Single Sign On
Linkable to Existing Account
Single Billing

*To find out more about which entities are shared from the this app please refer to the 'what data is shared' article underneath the app presentation card. 








Time and attendance.

Award interpretations.

Payroll integration.

Real time cost analysis. 



Employee availability.

Revenue forecasts and fixed labour expenses.

Staff sharing. 

Customisable user profiles.

3 digital punch clocks.

Fully customisable settings.



Staff SOS.




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Any question? Contact us on support@maestrano.com