
Short description 

Pipedrive is a sales tool for entrepreneurs and small teams with big ambitions. It visualizes ones sales pipeline and helps to make sure important conversations and activities don't get dropped. Salespeople and managers like it because it is easy to use and intuitive, even while on-the-go. 

Type of App*
Open Source
Third Party

*Please refer to the 'Which app type' article in our user knowledge
base to find out more about the differences in open source, third-party
and connectors.

Type of IntegrationAvailability
Single Sign On
Linkable to Existing Account
Single Billing

*To find out more about which entities are shared from the this app please refer to the 'what data is shared' article underneath the app presentation card. 


Pipeline Management

Contact Management

Product Catalogue

Project Management

Customer support

Lead management

Any question? Contact us on support@maestrano.com