Getting started guide - Ento

Getting started guide - Ento

Welcome to Ento!

In its simplest form, Ento is software you and your employees can access over the Internet, via a web browser or one of our specially built apps. Upgrades, storage, security and backups are all handled by our team of engineers. The only thing you need to worry about is building the best possible schedule.

From schedule to payroll

It’s important to understand how the shifts you add eventually end up at Payroll. The below steps briefly describe how data flows in the most common way companies use Ento.

  1. You start drafting your schedule by adding shifts, leave/vacation and notes to it.
  2. Once you are happy with the schedule, you Publish it. Publishing it sends your employees a SMS and/or email with their shifts.
  3. You launch the Time Clock on a tablet or computer. The Time Clock is populated with the published shifts.
  4. Your employees clock in and out of their shifts by clicking on their tile on the Time Clock.
  5. The timesheets are sent to the Time & attendance  → Review timesheets page of your account, for your authorization.
  6. Once you have authorized all the shifts within a pay cycle, you export to Payroll!

Frequently used terms

ManagerYourself and other co-managers you have given access to build schedules and manage your account.
Employee*The people you are scheduling!
Location*A physical location or department of your business.
Role*The primary job or duty your employee has to perform during a shift.
ShiftA shift is made up of a start and end time, a break of a certain length and a role.
TimesheetEvery shift is turned into a timesheet so you can track what was actually worked.

*In the next step you can rename these words throughout your account but within the supportcenter they will always be referred to as employee, locations and roles.

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