User Knowledge Base - How to manage my section

User Knowledge Base - How to manage my section

User Knowledge Base is where you can create and organize contents for end users of your application. You can create, edit pages and content to make sure your customers can find up-to-date information about your application.

How to access my pages?

You will first need to require access from Maestrano. You can require your access by sending an email to developers@maestrano.com; you can add as many contributors to your Confluence as you want.

After your request is approved, you will receive an invitation email to activate your account. You will find your username and a link to set your password in the email. However, the invitation is valid for only 7 days. If the invitation expires, you will need to contact Maestrano again.

After activating your account, you can now go to https://maestrano.atlassian.net/wiki to login your account and access your pages.

How to create an article for your application?

You will see the dashboard after logging in. To view your application articles, click “Maestrano Apps Marketplace” on the sidebar and you will find a list of applications. You can view all the pages from other applications, but note that you can only contribute to your own application pages.

To access your section, you need to click on your app name. You cannot modify articles from other application providers.

To create a new article, simply click the purple “Create” button on the header and you are ready to go. It starts with a blank page and you can add text, images, tables, links etc. You can also choose to create from template by clicking the purple button with three dots (next to the create button). If you want to edit the content, go to the page you want to edit and click the “Edit” button below the search bar. 

When you create an article, make sure you are on your application page before you click the “Create” button. Otherwise your new article will not be displayed correctly under your application page.

If you have further questions about how to use the platform, you can visit Atlassian Support or contact Maestrano at  developers@maestrano.com

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