Create your own marketplace with MNOE
Create your own marketplace with MNOE
MNOE is a suite of products allowing you to create your own marketplace. Directly interacting with Connec!™ and Impac!™, MNOE components manage the users, the organisations, the permissions and the applications on your platform. Its composed by a backend engine offering a public API and opensource components you can modify to customise the user interface and user experience on your platform.
MNO-Enteprise public API:
MNO-Enteprise open-source components:
- MNO Enteprise Engine
- MNO Enterprise Angular Frontend
- MNO Enterprise Admin Panel
- Maestrano Enterprise Demo - sample project using the engine and frontend
In this section, you will find everything you need to set up a new frontend / marketplace / express / tenant:
, multiple selections available,
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