Share/retrieve data using Connec! engine

Share/retrieve data using Connec! engine


What is Connec!™ ?

Connec!™ is Maestrano's patented data sharing engine, allowing data to be normalised and syndicated across multiple third party applications.

How do I interface with Connec™ ?

A nominated Maestrano representative will be able to provide:

  • The specific Connec™ endpoint/s required to query
  • Specific API key pair (API Key / API Secret) to start interfacing with this endpoint

As a precursor to building a complex application layer on top of Connec™, Maestrano recommend initially using Postman to query and understand the API post and responses

Where can I find technical documentation for Connec!™ ?

To know what data you can share and retrieve from Connec! please refer the following  API documentation listing all the available endpoints


What are some recommended best practices interfacing with Connec™ ?

Additionally, you can find here a list of best practices when integrating with the V2 API.


As access to  Connec™ will give developers the ability to modify/delete data. Maestrano recommend that initial testing and investigative work is conducted in a relevant Sandbox/UAT environment.

A nominated Maestrano representative will be able to provide assistance in setting this up

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