Connec! Webhook

Connec! Webhook

To receive Connec! notifications in real time, your application must provide an endpoint where updates will be posted to.

Endpoint configuration

Your app Connec! webhook endpoint can be set in the Developer Platform.

The field to update is the Connec Notification Path in your app environment.

Notification requests

When a record is updated by an application in the user ecosystem, a POST request is sent to your endpoint defined by notifications_path. Notifications are JSON messages containing the list of entities that have recently changed in other systems. You will only receive notifications for entities you have subscribed to.

Notifications can be buffered by Connec! depending on traffic. This mean that you may receive several entities update inside the same request. Updated entities can belong to different group_id.


Notification requests sent by Connec! must be authenticated against your API credentials. Connec! adds the Basic Authentication header to every request sent.

Example of notification message

  "organizations": [
    { "id": "e32303c1-5102-0132-661e-600308937d74", name: "DoeCorp Inc.", group_id: "cld-1234", ... }
  "people": [
    { "id": "a34303d1-4142-0152-362e-610408337d74", first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe", group_id: "cld-5678", ... }

Entities sent via notifications follow the same data structure as the one described in our REST API documentation (available at http://maestrano.github.io/connec)

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