Maestrano Enterprise uses Mandrill or Sparkpost for all system notifications. All emails (and their variables) are detailed below.
Using Mailchimp already?
Are you looking for an easy way to design your Mandrill emails? If you're already using Mailchimp, it's easy! Just design your email in Mailchimp then copy the HTML code to Mandrill!
Registration Instructions
Template Slug: registration-instructions
This email is sent via the admin panel. The email contains a link to the registration page.
Variable | Description | Example |
REGISTRATION_LINK | Link to the registration page | |
<p>Hi there,</p> <p>You have been invited to create an account on our platform! You can do so by clicking on the link below:</p> <a href="*|REGISTRATION_LINK|*">Create my account</a> <p> Regards,<br/> The Marketplace team </p>
Confirmation Instructions
Template Slug: confirmation-instructions
This email is sent when users signup to the platform. The email contains a link allowing users to confirm their email address.
Variable | Description | Example |
FIRST_NAME | First name of the user | John |
LAST_NAME | Last name of the user | Doe |
FULL_NAME | The full name (first + last) of the user | John Doe |
CONFIRMATION_LINK | Link to the page allowing users to confirm their email | |
<p>Hi *|FIRST_NAME|*</p> <p>You can confirm your email by clicking on the following link</p> <a href="*|CONFIRMATION_LINK|*">Confirm my account</a> <p> Regards,<br/> The Marketplace team </p>
Reconfirmation Instructions
Template Slug: reconfirmation-instructions
This email is sent when existing users decide their email address in the platform. The email contains a link allowing users to confirm their new email address.
Variable | Description | Example |
FIRST_NAME | First name of the user | John |
LAST_NAME | Last name of the user | Doe |
FULL_NAME | The full name (first + last) of the user | John Doe |
CONFIRMATION_LINK | Link to the page allowing users to confirm their email | |
<p>Hi *|FIRST_NAME|*</p> <p>You have asked to change your email address in the platform. Please confirm this new email address by clicking on the following link</p> <a href="*|CONFIRMATION_LINK|*">Confirm my new email address</a> <p>If you did not ask for a modification just ignore this email.</p> <p> Regards,<br/> The Marketplace team </p>
Notification - Change of Email
Template Slug: email-change
This email is sent to the old email address when existing users decide to change their email address in the platform. It specifies the new email address that should be confirmed.
Variable | Description | Example |
FIRST_NAME | First name of the user | John |
LAST_NAME | Last name of the user | Doe |
FULL_NAME | The full name (first + last) of the user | John Doe |
UNCONFIRMED_EMAIL | new email address | |
<p>Hi *|FIRST_NAME|*</p> <p>We received a request to change your email address in the platform to |UNCONFIRMED_EMAIL|.</p> <p>If you did not request an email change, contact us.</p> <p> Regards,<br/> The Marketplace team </p>
Notification - Change of Password
Template Slug: password-change
This email is sent to the user to notify him that his password change has been confirmed.
Variable | Description | Example |
FIRST_NAME | First name of the user | John |
LAST_NAME | Last name of the user | Doe |
FULL_NAME | The full name (first + last) of the user | John Doe |
<p>Hi *|FIRST_NAME|*</p> <p>We're contacting you to notify you that your password has been changed.</p> <p> Regards,<br/> The Marketplace team </p>
Organization Invite - New User
Template Slug: organization-invite-new-user
This email is sent when an organization administrator invites a user that does not exist in the system (external user).
Variable | Description | Example |
ORGANIZATION | Name of the organization in which the user has been invited | Doe Inc. |
TEAM | Name of the team in which the user has been added. May be null - only use in a IF condition. | Sales & Marketing |
REF_FIRST_NAME | First name of the administrator inviting the user | John |
REF_LAST_NAME | Last name of the administrator inviting the user | Doe |
REF_FULL_NAME | The full name (first + last) of the administrator inviting the user | John Doe |
REF_EMAIL | Email address of the administrator inviting the user | |
INVITEE_FIRST_NAME | First name of the user being invited. May be null - only use in a IF condition. | Jack |
INVITEE_LAST_NAME | Last name of the user being invited. May be null - only use in a IF condition. | Doe |
INVITEE_FULL_NAME | The full name (first + last) of the user being invited. May be null - only use in a IF condition. | Jack Doe |
INVITEE_EMAIL | Email address of the user being invited. | |
CONFIRMATION_LINK | Link to the page allowing the invited user to confirm the account and join the organization | |
<p>Hi there,</p> <p>You have been invited by *|REF_FULL_NAME|* to join *|ORGANIZATION|* on our platform!. You can automatically create your account on our platform and join *|ORGANIZATION|* by clicking on the link below:</p> <a href="*|CONFIRMATION_LINK|*">Create my account and join *|ORGANIZATION|*</a> *|IF:TEAM|* <p>By accepting this invite you will automatically join the *|TEAM|* team.</p> *|END:IF|* <p> Regards,<br/> The Marketplace team </p>
Organization Invite - Existing User
Template Slug: organization-invite-existing-user
This email is sent when an organization administrator invites a user that already exists in the system.
Variable | Description | Example |
ORGANIZATION | Name of the organization in which the user has been invited | Doe Inc. |
TEAM | Name of the team in which the user has been added. May be null - only use in a IF condition. | Sales & Marketing |
REF_FIRST_NAME | First name of the administrator inviting the user | John |
REF_LAST_NAME | Last name of the administrator inviting the user | Doe |
REF_FULL_NAME | The full name (first + last) of the administrator inviting the user | John Doe |
REF_EMAIL | Email address of the administrator inviting the user | |
INVITEE_FIRST_NAME | First name of the user being invited. May be null - only use in a IF condition. | Jack |
INVITEE_LAST_NAME | Last name of the user being invited. May be null - only use in a IF condition. | Doe |
INVITEE_FULL_NAME | The full name (first + last) of the user being invited. May be null - only use in a IF condition. | Jack Doe |
INVITEE_EMAIL | Email address of the user being invited. | |
CONFIRMATION_LINK | Link to the page allowing the invited user to join the organization | |
<p>Hi there,</p> <p>You have been invited by *|REF_FULL_NAME|* to join *|ORGANIZATION|* on our platform!. You can automatically create your account on our platform and join *|ORGANIZATION|* by clicking on the link below:</p> <a href="*|CONFIRMATION_LINK|*">Create my account and join *|ORGANIZATION|*</a> *|IF:TEAM|* <p>By accepting this invite you will automatically join the *|TEAM|* team.</p> *|END:IF|* <p> Regards,<br/> The Marketplace team </p>
Reset password Instructions
Template Slug: reset-password-instructions
This email is sent when a user forget his password and asks to reset it.
Variable | Description | Example |
FIRST_NAME | First name of the user | John |
LAST_NAME | Last name of the user | Doe |
FULL_NAME | The full name (first + last) of the user | John Doe |
RESET_PASSWORD_LINK | Link to the page allowing the user to change his password | |
<p>Hi *|FIRST_NAME|*</p> <p>You can reset your password by clicking on the following link</p> <a href="*|RESET_PASSWORD_LINK|*">Reset my password</a> <p> Regards,<br/> The Marketplace team </p>
Unlock Account Instructions
Template Slug: unlock-instructions
This email is sent when users failed to login too many times. The account is automatically locked and unlock instructions are sent to their email address.
Variable | Description | Example |
FIRST_NAME | First name of the user | John |
LAST_NAME | Last name of the user | Doe |
FULL_NAME | The full name (first + last) of the user | John Doe |
UNLOCK_LINK | Link to the page allowing the user unlock his account | |
<p>Hi *|FIRST_NAME|*</p> <p>You can unlock your account by clicking on the following link</p> <a href="*|UNLOCK_LINK|*">Unlock my account</a> <p> Regards,<br/> The Marketplace team </p>
Deletion Request Instructions
Template Slug: deletion-request-instructions
This email is sent when a user asks to terminate his account.
Variable | Description | Example |
FIRST_NAME | First name of the user | John |
LAST_NAME | Last name of the user | Doe |
FULL_NAME | The full name (first + last) of the user | John Doe |
TERMINATE_ACCOUNT_LINK | Link to the page allowing the user to terminate his account | |
<p>Hi *|FIRST_NAME|*</p> <p>We have received a request from you to terminate your account.</p> <p>If this is a mistake, you can simply disregard this email - however, we strongly recommend you change your password too./p> <p>If you would like to proceed with the termination of your account you can do so by clicking the link below and following the prompts.</p> <a href="*|TERMINATE_ACCOUNT_LINK|*">Terminate Your Account</a> <p>Please be advised, this is an irreversible action.</p> <p> Regards,<br/> The Marketplace team </p>