How to use the IODM system - Home screen

How to use the IODM system - Home screen

Once your company is set up you are now ready to use the IODM system.
To commence the process click back to the home button and select the below icon.

This action will allow all the invoices to be imported from your current accounting software package into the IODM system so you can decide on the appropriate action.

The outstanding invoices that are imported into the system will then be displayed onto the screen. If you wish to action all the listed invoices tick the “all” box, otherwise select the invoices individually. Once you have completed the process click the save button and the invoices will be uploaded onto your home screen ready to action.

The home screen is a WIP (work in progress) screen providing an update of where your debtor files are currently at.

Other icons on your home screen are, Group mode on or off.

The Group mode button allows one or more invoices from the same debtor to be grouped together on the same reminder or SMS message so that one action is taken.

Other details shown on the home screen are: 

  • Company name

  • Company contact

  • Invoice No

  • These icons indicate you have details of the business address, email address and phone number

  • Next Action shows you details of the next action to be taken, this button can be selected to change the action

  • Action date for next action

  • Notes section is to enter details such as on holidays until 25/11/2015 so the next action will automatically be delayed until this date. 

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