How the system works

How the system works

  1. IODM extracts your debtors from Xero, MYOB (Desktop and Cloud), Quicken (Intuit), Excel upload or single debtor data entry into the IODM database for Cash Flow management.

  2. The system will automatically schedule the debtor to receive reminder letters immediately once the debtor is loaded into the IODM Database.

  3. If the debtor has a telephone number and you wish to select SMS notifications (fees apply) you can send a SMS to the debtor to remind them of their obligations.

  4. After 7 days if the debtor has not paid, another reminder letter is scheduled to be produced for your debtor.

  5. After a further 7 days and if the debt is still not paid, a true debt collection letter is produced, to indicate that the debt is now in the hands of mercantile services.

  6. After a further 7 days, a final mercantile demand letter is generated that demands payment.

  7. If the debt still remains unpaid, IODM will notify the mercantile agency (the same one used in the debt collection letters). The mercantile agency will contact you, the client to discuss options for further action against the debtor.

You can alter the timing between reminder letters to be longer than 7 days. 

Any question? Contact us on support@maestrano.com