Net Sales

Net Sales

Net Sales



Displays the net result of either the total amount, average amount or volume invoiced minus total amount, average amount of volume credited over a selected period.


Only the AUTHORISED, SUBMITTED, or PAID invoices and the AUTHORISED, APPLIED, or PAID credit notes are going to be taken into account. The DRAFT or VOIDED invoices or credit notes are ignored.

Sales are based on the total invoiced amounts, or number of invoices.

Returns are based on the total credited amounts, or number of credit notes. 


  • Display type: total amount, average amount, volume.
  • Period selection: 24hr - 90 days.


See it in Xero

To view all your sales (invoices) in Xero, go to Accounts > Sales then, at the invoices title, click on the "see all" link. 

It should then display all your invoices, on the right hand side is a "Search" button, clicking that will expand some filters to be able to input a date range.

Noticeable differences with the Impac! widget

Xero does not have a report to display this, you would have to add up all your invoices & credit notes for a given period and do the maths yourself.


See it in QuickBooks

To retrieve the invoices list: Transactions > Sales. Then, filter the invoices according to the calculation criteria explained above, and click the "Export to Excel" button on the top-right of the table.

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