What is the data shared with Connec! - Xero

What is the data shared with Connec! - Xero

Here you will find all the information you look for regarding the data sharing between Xero and the other apps of the marketplace

Interesting workflow you can accomplish with Xero on our MarketPlace

When you create a new customer in Xero, it is automatically shared in your CRM (like vTiger, Salesforce), as well as any update.

If an invoice is created in your e-commerce system (Magento, Shopify, Neto), it is replicated in Xero.

When time is recorded in your time tracking system, it is automatically synchronised with Xero if the payroll module is active.

Data shared between Xero and other apps

CRM and Sales data shared

Entity in Connec!Entity
in Xero 

From Xero to other apps

From other apps to XeroSee it on my Impac! Dashboard



Invoice List widget (If invoice is attached)

All invoice widgets

Growth per product widget (if sales behind product)
Purchase ordersPurchase orders

Accounting data shared


From Xero to other apps

From other apps to XeroSee it on my Impac! Dashboard
Accounts Accounts

 Account balance / Accounts comparison widgets

All invoice widgets
Credit NotesCredit Notes


Balance sheet widget (corresponding accounts are updated)

Balance sheet widget (accounts receivables / accounts payables are updated)
Taxe CodesTaxes

HR data shared


Only for Australian and US companies


From Xero to other apps

From other apps to XeroSee it on my Impac! Dashboard

Employees list widget
Employee salary

Employees list widget
Pay item

Pay run

Pay schedule

Time sheet

Timesheets widget (only record the total time worked)
Work locations (only for US company)

Leave application (only for AU company)



How contacts are shared between your CRM and Xero?

Organizations and Contacts created in your CRM will appear in Xero under the Contacts tab with the Organization name linked to a Xero Contact name. The people belonging to the organization in your CRM will be listed as Primary person and People. The address of the CRM Organization will be used as the address in Xero Contact.

Notes :

  • If the email address of a contact is edited in Xero, a new contact will be added to the Organization (and will appear as a new entry in other linked applications sharing People/Customers)
  • Xero does not display contacts if they don't belong to an Organization
  • Xero supports only 5 people to be listed under a Contact, so if you have more than 5 contacts in an organizations they will be ignored.
  • Xero categorizes contacts as Customer or Supplier only when an invoice is linked to them, otherwise they appear only under the “All” category. By default, a contact will be flagged as Customer by the platform and shared to your CRM

How products are shared between your CRM and Xero?

Products created in your CRM are available in Xero under Settings > Inventory Items.

 Notes :

  • Some CRM (e.g. vTiger) do not support Products purchase price.
  • Xero supports only one tax to be applied on an item whereas some CRM (e.g vTiger) allows multiple taxes to be selected. Only the first selected tax in your CRM will appear in Xero.
  • In Xero, the Product name can only be specified from the web application and so will be set as empty when a new Product is created from your CRM.

How invoices are shared between your CRM and Xero?

Sales Invoices and Purchase Orders created in your CRM appear in Xero under Accounts Sales and Purchases. 

Notes : 

  • In some CRM (e.g. vTiger) the taxes applied to an invoice must be set at the product level whereas in Xero the applicable tax can be set directly in an invoice. If you change the default tax rate in the Xero invoice, the same tax rate must be selected in the CRM product.
  • Xero does not support editing an invoice in “Paid” status. If such invoice is modified in your CRM, modifications will not be reflected in Xero.
  • If your invoice doesn't reference any customer (person or organization), it will not be synchronized with Xero, as Xero requires a Contact attached to an invoice.
  • If you try to synchronise an invoice with a payment from another app, make sure that the payment references a bank account, or that you have at least one default bank account set up in Xero. Otherwise, the payment will not be processed by Xero, and the status of your invoice will be set to 'AUTHORISED'.

I do not see HR/Payroll data coming from Xero to other apps or to my widgets

Are you using a Xero demo organisation?

Problem: in Xero demo organisation, the HR/Payroll data have to be activated to be fetched by our data sharing engine.

Solution: To activate the HR/Payroll data: 

  1. Make sure to go to the Xero Payroll settings in Xero
  2. Re-import your data
  3. You should now be able to see your data in other apps as well as in widgets on your Dashboard

Have you checked the check-box to allow payroll access?

Problem: HR/Payroll data is shared between Xero and other apps only if you have to activated the feature when connecting the Xero app

Solution: To activate the HR/Payroll data:

  1. Disconnect your Xero account
  2. Reconnect your Xero account; check the box "Allow Payroll Access"

I do not see tracking information on items coming into Xero

If an item is tracked it means Xero tracks the quantity on hand and value of the item. There are stricter business rules around tracked items to facilitate this e.g. you can’t create a sales invoice for that item if you don’t have sufficient quantity on hand. Untracked items are goods or services you can specify on transactions but Xero does not track quantities on hand or total value. Read more about tracked and untracked items in Xero’s help centre.

You use Xero as your main inventory tracking application

Problem Inventory tracking is not activated on Xero by default.

Solution You just need to edit your item in Xero to track inventory

You do not use Xero as your main inventory tracking application

Problem Inventory tracking information (e.g. quantity on hand) is read-only from Xero. It's a limitation on Xero API. This leads to the following consequence: no inventory information can be pushed from other applications to Xero. If you increase or decrease the quantity of your item in your inventory tracking application, it won't be reflected in Xero.

Solution  Do not track items inventory in Xero if you already have an application to track inventory

I cannot link my organization to Maestrano

It happens when you create an organization in Xero which has currency other than USD and AUD and you try link payroll. An alert will be displayed "The app has requested access to data that this organization doesn't allow. For further information please contact the app's provider".

We only support Australia and USA for Payroll. Screenshot when you check the box Payroll:
Screen Shot 2017-02-23 at 10.39.32.png

Team Work 

All the apps available on Maestrano marketplace share data with Xero

However, these three apps are the best matching for Xero  


Constant Contact


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