How to get people started and manage roles

How to get people started and manage roles

IMPORTANT: Before others can start using Business Sorter, the Account Holder must give them access to a plan. To do so, either:

A. Make them a Team Leader on a plan, or

B. Make them a Team Member on a plan AND assign them a task on that plan.

Once someone has been made a Team Leader they can also make others Team Leaders and Team Members on plans.

To assign someone a role on a plan, or to change their role:

  1. Click on 'Members' in the main menu.
  2. Click the ‘>’ button to the right of their name.
  3. On the ‘Member’s roles’ page (below), assign them to the plans you want them to see.
  4. Remember to click ‘Save’.

The permission levels for each role are outlined in detail on the right-hand side of the ‘Member’s roles’ page.

Any question? Contact us on support@maestrano.com