Employees list
Employees list
The widget aggregates in one place your employee name, title, phone number and salary. At a glance, you can view all those information.
Information is retrieved directly from your payroll system.
You can change the time range to view the average salary of your employees.
See it in QuickBooks Online
You can find in the employees tab (left panel), , from the Employees sub-section the list of your employees, with job title, employment type, pay schedule and last paid date.
Noticeable differences with the Impac! widget
In QuickBooks Online, you can display 10, 30 or 100 employees maximum, by clicking on the cog wheel on the right of your screen.
You can create a custom report in QuickBooks Online with the same information, simply go in the reports section of the Employees tab, and in Employee details report, you can create a custom details report.
See it in OrangeHRM
The employee details report is accessible from the PIM menu > employee list. At the bottom of your screen, you'll view a list of your employees.
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