Employees details
Employees details
The employee details widget allows you to view specific details for one employee. You can navigate through your list of employees.
More details can be displayed (incl. salary, address, job location, etc.) by clicking on the arrows in the top right corner.
Information is retrieved directly from your payroll system.
You can choose on which periodic basis the salary is to be displayed (Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Hourly).
See it in QuickBooks Online
You can find in the employee tab (left panel), the list of your employees; you can use the search bar if you are looking for a specific employee. When you click on one employee, it opens a new pop up with all the details for this employee.
See it in OrangeHRM
In OrangeHRM, you can check per employee each details, by going in the PIM (Personal Information Management) tab, select each employee and click on the salary menu in the left menu.
Noticeable differences with the Impac! widget
The information in OrangeHRM is displayed on multiple tabs of the employee card, so you will need to navigate through the left panel to view all details.
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