What is the data shared with Connec! - Mailchimp

What is the data shared with Connec! - Mailchimp

Here you will find all the information you look for regarding the data sharing between myapp and the other apps of the marketplace

Interesting workflow you can accomplish with Mailchimp on our MarketPlace

if you create your contact in a CRM, the contact will be created in Mailchimp.

If your create a contact in Mailchimp, the contact will be in your accounting package.

If you create a customer in an e-commerce system, the contact will be in Mailchimp

Data shared between Mailchimp and other apps

CRM and Sales data shared

Entity in ConnecEntity in Mailchimp

From Mailchimp to other apps

From other apps to MailchimpSee it on my Impac! Dashboard
ContactsContactInvoice List widget (If invoice is attached)



Why do I have to select the fields in the connector?

Mailchimp does not have a fixed number of fields. You can define custom attributes (fields). For this reason, you need to define how those attributes map to the attributes of your contact stored in Connec!™.

Please make sure you pay attention to attribute format and mandatory attributes in Mailchimp. 

What is the "subscription status"?

In Mailchimp, you will be able to send newsletters to your contact. Before you send an email to a contact, you need to make sure you have their authorisation. 

The subscription status is this authorisation:

  •  Subscribed: Mailchimp will consider you have the authorisation to send emails to your contacts. Please ensure you have formally received the authorisation from your contacts to send them emails. 
  • Pending: all your contact shared with Mailchimp will receive an email from Mailchimp to confirm that they are authorising you to send them emails. Your contact will only be visible in Mailchimp after they have confirmed they accept to receive emails from you. 
  • Unsubscribed: Those contacts will not be added as inactive in your list on Mailchim.

Team Work 

All the apps available on Maestrano marketplace share data with Mailchimp

However, these three apps are the best matching for Mailchimp  




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