Create and configure log collectors for Maestrano Stack

This documentation applies to application hosted on Nex!.

We make sure that our logs as are detailed as possible so that for every specific action you do on our platform, a quick analysis can help you figure out what is going on, and what happened whenever an error occurred.

Therefore, it is important to gather these logs using a log management tool for a simplified visualisation. We usually use Splunk (Cf Re: Install Splunk Universal Forwarder) or Sumologic. 

This documentation describes how to collect logs for Sumlogic.

1 Which collectors need to be created

  • For every connector: Uat AND Production
  • For every frontend

The core products should have already been setup on Sumologic, and linked with Nex!.

2 Rules to follow when setting up a new collector

You first need to register a Hosted SumoLogic Collector and use the generated collector URL

  1. Go to Manage > Collection > Add Collector
  2. Select "Hosted Collector" (the collector will be hosted by SumoLogic)
    1. For the name you should use the name of your actual connector for the log drain ("connector-vend-prd",...) and the Category ("connector-uat",...). (See Naming Convention)
    2. Select "UTC/Etc" for the timezone
    3. SumoLogic then ask the type of collector you want. Select "HTTP"
    4. Use the same name as the collector for the name of the HTTP endpoint (e.g. connector-vend-prd)
  3. Once created SumoLogic will display a popup showing the log drain URL. Just copy that and use it for the next step
  4. Update the log drain for your application on Nex!:
    nex-cli apps:update "MY-APP" --http-log-drain "YOUR-URL"
  5. Restart your app:
    nex-cli restart "MY-APP"

3 Naming Convention

The name of the collector should be:

  • for UAT: [apptype]-[appname]-uat
  • for Production: [apptype]-[appname]-prd

apptype can be:

  1. connector: for connectors
  2. core: for the core products, mnohub, impac! or connec!
  3. frontend: for mno-enterprise frontend

Examples: core-impac-uat, connector-salesforce-prd

Source Category should be [apptype]-[prd/uat]

Example: core-uat or connector-prd  

4 Validation Step

Make sure you can see your logs by filtering  _source=myapp in the search tab.

For example: