- Provision infrastructure account (see: coming soon... Provision a new infrastructure account)
- Provision URLs and SSL certificates for related URLs (see: coming soon... Create SSL Certificate via GoDaddy)
2 - Products / Components
Deploy the Maestrano stack (Nex!, MnoHub, Connec!, Impac!, etc.) (see: coming soon... Deployments)
Activate / Deactivate features - admin dashboard / KPIs & Alerting / etc. (see: coming soon...)
- Deploy customised express (see: /wiki/spaces/EN/pages/59539661 coming soon...)
- Give admin rights to relevant users, on the platform (using active_admin) and on the tenant (using the admin dashboard) - (see: coming soon...)
- Create a maestrano Maestrano account with admin rights for each tenant / express: support@maestrano.com (credentials only accessible by Maestrano Support Team)
Status | ||||
- Define a list of application applications you want on your marketplace and your different tenants (see: Maestrano Application Catalogue - coming soon...)
Status | ||||
- Check that the application is managed by developers.maestrano.com
- Check the type of integration (Connec! - Connectors, Cloud - Connectors, Third Party Cloud Application, Hosted App) and see below specific elements needed and actions to take
- From developers.maestrano.com, link the application + default environment to the new marketplace (see: Configure and test your technical integration#2.3Linkanenvironmenttoamarketplace)
- From the platform's MNOHub, link the environment to the requested tenant(s) (see: coming soon...Manage a marketplace with the developer platform)
3.1 - Connec! - Connectors
- Configure the connector using these developer keys (see: Renew and Install Xero certificates coming soon...)
3.2 - Cloud - Connectors
- If on premise:
- Add a new environment on developers.maestrano.com for this application (see: Configure and test your technical integration#2.1Createanenvironment)
- Deploy connectors on Nex! specific instance (see: Deploying a Connector)
3.3 - Third party Cloud Applications
- Create / Set up a new account (APMs, Servers, and Synthetics) and invite admin/users (see: coming soon... Setup New Relic for Monitoring)
- Configure threasholdsthresholds, APDEX and alerts (see: coming soon...)
- Create / Set up account for enterprise customer and invite admin/users
- Configure log drains (see: Setting up a log drain)
- Configure collectors (see: coming soon...)
- Configure alerts (see: coming soon...)
- Set up a Sidekiq interface for Connec! Jobs and Mnohub Jobs (see: coming soon...)
- Set up accounts for platform admins - c.f. 2 Products / Components: automatic for platform admins for Mnohub Sidekiq, only one admin access for Connec! Sidekiq
4.4 - Transaction emails system
- Create / Set up an account for enterprise customer and invite admin/users (see: /wiki/spaces/EN/pages/83689538 Express Checklist#4-ConfigureEmails)
- If email customisation is needed: provide access to edit templates or set up customisation (see: Emailing)
4.5 - Customer onboarding and support / Platform support
- Create Intercom account and set it up on MNOE (see: /wiki/spaces/EN/pages/89784324 coming soon...)
- Create a JIRA Service Desk project - if applicable - or update the existing one
Open accounts for:
- Google Analytics
- OpenexchangeRates
- Pusher (may not be required if impac-angular is not used)OpenexchangeRates (see: coming soon...)
- Pusher (see: coming soon...)
- Google Maps
5 - (Optional) Data Migration