Create a connector using our framework - Ruby on Rails

Create a connector using our framework - Ruby on Rails

Maestrano Connector framework is a Rails Engine that bootstraps the implementation of data synchronisation between an external application API and the Maestrano ecosystem.

What's a connector?

A connector is a stand alone web application that allows data synchronization between a cloud application and Connec!™ using their public APIs. It first realizes authentication (mainly via oauth protocols) with both Maestrano and the application to be able to perform API requests. Once that's done, it fetches the data from both APIs, realizes data consolidation and mapping, and then pushes the processed data to the relevant API.

The connector performs synchronizations (i.e. fetching data, processing them and pushing them) periodically. It also supports webhooks to perform real time data synchronization when supported by the cloud application.

All connectors are multi-tenant ready, i.e are able to handle multiple Maestrano-powered marketplaces including Maestrano.com. Most of it is handled by the framework, but some configuration will be required.

About the framework

The rails engine provides all the methods relative to Maestrano and to the Connec!™ API, as well as the consolidation and mapping logic. It also includes a default front end that provides admin panels and customization options to the end user.

What's left to do?

  • Authentication with the external application
  • Integration with the external API
  • Mapping of entities
  • Configuration (including multi-tenant)
  • Front end customization
  • Testing

Need more help or want to know more?

  • Ask your technical questions on our Developers Service Desk 
    (if you do not have an account on Maestrano-JIRA, you will have to create a new one)
  • To know more about how to create a partnership with us, contact us on developers@maestrano.com

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