Generating demo data on Connec!™

Generating demo data on Connec!™

Connec!™ offers three different way to generate demo data for a given organization, via rake tasks or the rails console.

Not for production use

Please note that the following instructions may have an adverse impact if run on an existing organisation containing production data. Some guarding exist in the rake tasks to prevent that but it's not 100% bullet proof.

As a rule of thumb we recommend running these tasks in test environments only

1 - Generating demo data

This task can be used to generate a reasonable number of records for a given organisation. It is essentially used to prepare demo accounts.

Login to a Connec!™ server under the application directory and run the following task:

# You may need to source the jruby environment
# source /etc/profile.d/jruby.sh

# This task will generate demo data for organization 'org-fbba'
rake connec:generate_data:demo['org-fbba']

2 - Generating load testing data

This tasks can be used to load an account with 10,000+ records. It is essentially used to prepare load testing accounts.

# You may need to source the jruby environment
# source /etc/profile.d/jruby.sh

# This task will generate load testing data for organization 'org-fbba'
rake connec:generate_data:load['org-fbba']

3 - Generating a custom dataset

The generated dataset can be fully customised. To do so login to Connec!™ through the rails console and run the following:

# You may need to source the jruby environment
# source /etc/profile.d/jruby.sh

# Access the rails console
rails c <your_environment>
# Set organization id
org_id = 'org-fbba'

# Prepare dataset options
# Displayed values are the default ones
opts = {
  channel_id: org_id    # which organization to load
  notify: false,        # also create objects in connected apps?
  country: 'US',        # company country
  currency: 'USD',      # company currency
  nb_opportunities: 50  # total number of opportunities to create
  nb_invoices: 2,       # number of invoices per month per customer/supplier to create
  nb_credit_notes: 2,   # number of credit notes per month per customer/supplier to create
  months_history: 0,    # 1 year + x months of history
  skip_taxes: false,    # skip creation of taxes
  skip_accounts: false, # skip creation of the chart of accounts
  skip_contacts: false, # skip creation of contacts

# Run the generator
generator = DemoData::Generator.new(opts)

It is possible to generate more transactions with a different currency in order to test Forex Adjustments

# Set organization id
org_id = 'org-fbba'

# Prepare dataset options
# Displayed values are the default ones
opts = {
  channel_id: org_id    # which organization to load
  country: 'AU',        # company country
  currency: 'AUD',      # company currency
  nb_invoices: 2,       # number of invoices per month per customer/supplier to create
  nb_credit_notes: 2,   # number of credit notes per month per customer/supplier to create
  months_history: 0,    # 1 year + x months of history

# Run the generator
generator = DemoData::Generator.new(opts)

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