Update MongoDB Cluster instances types on AWS EC2

Connec! uses a MongoDB cluster to store its data. By default, it runs on 3 servers which instance type can be modified following the instructions below.

To avoid downtime when updating the MongoDB cluster, the procedure is to perform a rolling upgrade, sequentially replacing cluster nodes.

1. Infrastructure upgrade

1.1 Update Ansible scripts

The MongoDB Cluster default configuration is detailed here: https://github.com/maestrano/mno-deploy/blob/develop/ansible/group_vars/all#L820.
To change the default instance type and enable volume encryption at rest, you can modify your configuration as follows:

  encrypted: True
    instance_type: t2.medium

1.2 Create a backup image

Before running the upgrade, it is highly recommended to backup the existing MongoDB cluster data.

From the AWS EC2 console, select one of the Mongo servers, right click > Image > Create Image

2. Replace cluster nodes

You will need to repeat the procedure below for each node in the Mongo cluster sequentially to avoid any downtime.

2.1 Stop cluster node

Log into the AWS Console and stop ONE node from the cluster (AWS Instance > Stop)

2.2 Run infrastructure upgrade

From the folder mno-deploy-myenvironment, execute the following

# Export AWS environment variables
export AWS_REGION=ap-southeast-1
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-southeast-1

# Execute the ansible scripts
sh scripts/setup_infrastructure.sh --tags "infra_mongo,infra_vpc"

This will create a new instance and add it too the MongoDB cluster

2.3 Validate AWS infrastructure update

New instances are running
From the AWS Console, verify that the mongo nodes are running with the name *\[environment\]-mongo*. Make also sure that the volumes attached to the instances are encrypted if this option has been enabled.

Ansible configuration has been correctly executed
SSH on the instances and tail the log file /var/log/ansible.log, it should finish with the log:

2017-04-24 05:46:46,429 p=10094 u=root |  PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
2017-04-24 05:46:46,431 p=10094 u=root |  localhost                  : ok=67   changed=45   unreachable=0    failed=0 

MongoDB nodes are synchronising
SSH on the instances and tail the log file /var/log/mongodb.log, the following log should appear (note that it may take up to a few hours to synchronise all data):

2017-04-24T06:15:29.533+0000 [rsSync] replSet initial sync finishing up
2017-04-24T06:15:29.533+0000 [rsSync] replSet set minValid=58538b59:1
2017-04-24T06:15:29.590+0000 [rsSync] replSet RECOVERING
2017-04-24T06:15:29.590+0000 [rsSync] replSet initial sync done
2017-04-24T06:15:30.593+0000 [rsSync] replSet SECONDARY

The size of the files in /data/db/ should also be approximately the same between all servers.

SSH on a server from the VPC and run the following command to validate the Security Group access

curl -L http://r0.mongo.production.maestrano.local:27017
curl -L http://r1.mongo.production.maestrano.local:27017
curl -L http://r2.mongo.production.maestrano.local:27017
# Expect to return
It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.

Verify the Connec! API works correctly by sending request (using Postman or CURL)

GET https://api-connec.myapplication.io/api/v2/org-1234/company

2.4 Repeat operations with the other nodes