Sub-Tenant - Division

Sub-Tenant - Division


  • SubTenant or Division allows you to associate Organisations ("Clients") to your Staff ("Account Manager").
  • Clients are Organisations associated to a Division and/or to a Staff.
  • Account Managers are Staff that are associated to a Division.

Platform Roles

3 roles exist for Platform Admins:

  • admin:
    • can see everything and edit everything
  • division_admin:
    • cannot create, update or delete Divisions
    • can edit and see only the staff of his Division
    • cannot modify the Division of a Staff
    • can modify the Staff Clients allocation (The clients associated to the Staff as Account Manager)
    • can see Organisations ("Clients") associated to the Division
  • staff
    • cannot display the staff list
    • will only see Organisations associated to them in the Staff screen ("Clients")

Sub-Tenant / Division Management

You may manage your Division by selecting "Divisions" on the left of the Dashboard menu. Only staff that has the role "admin" may manage divisions. 

From there, you may create a new Division, edit or delete an existing one.

Creating a new Division

In order to create a Division, simply click on "Add a new Division" and fill the Division name.

Editing an existing Division

Edit a division by clicking on it directly in the Division List.

In that screen you may assign Clients and Account Managers to the Division.

  • The Clients assigned to the Division will be the only Clients the division admin will be able to see and assign to the staff in the Staff Screen.
  • The Account Managers are the Staff assigned to the Division.

Staff Management

The staff screen allows the Division admin, and the admin to manage their staff.

Admin may see all the Staff, Division Admin will only see the Division's Staff (or Account Manager)

Create Staff

In order to create a Staff, simply click on "Add staff"

Fill the required information and select the Role you want your staff to be. (See Platform Admin Roles)

Once they have been filled, please click on Save in order to create the new Staff member.

Edit Staff

This screens allows you to assign Organisations ("Clients") to the Staff. He will only be able to see these Organisations when he logs to the Admin Platform.

To assign Organisations ("Clients")

  • Click on "Add/Remove Clients" to open the Select Clients Modal.
  • Pick the Organizations from the list.
  • Click on Save to validate your choice.

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