Resources - downloadable materials

Resources - downloadable materials



Click on the images to download them in full size; if download does start, use the right click of your mouse and save the file.

when downloading a dark background logo, you will not see the maestrano name written: the name is written in white but the background is transparent, so when you will put it on a dark background, you will be able to see it.


Maestrano logos

maestrano-logo-high-res.ai (light and dark)

click to download jpeg dark background

click to download jpeg light background


Maestrano icon

(click to download)


click to download jpeg dark background

click to download jpeg light background


About Maestrano approved description

Maestrano is an advanced cloud computing service that brings together and connects the best software solutions for small and medium businesses. In one single dashboard, SMEs access applications that have been carefully selected for quality, ease of use and added value for end users. In just one click, data is automatically shared between business apps and automatically updates reporting dashboard.

Maestrano was founded in 2011 and is now a global company with offices in the USA, Australia, the UK, the UAE and Singapore. Maestrano has customers in all continents from a wide range of industries. Companies use Maestrano to get their business applications sharing data automatically, accessible in one dashboard, without worrying about any IT requirements. Maestrano has been recognized as 2014 best start up by the Small & Medium Enterprise Association, 2014 best startup business by the NSW iAwards and 2014 Small & Medium Business of the Year by the French Australian Chamber of Commerce. It has also been named in the top 20 down under startups to watch by Geektime and has been awarded with an International Excellence Business Award in 2015 at Dubai IBX ceremony.

About Maestrano EDM introduction

Coming Soon

Maestrano screenshots



Maestrano ecosystem of apps - light and dark background



introduction to Maestrano

how to get setup on Maestrano (end user guide)

how GardenCorp. uses Maestrano to run its operations

how Kangaroo Safari uses Maestrano to run its operations

how the cake factory uses Maestrano to run its operations

If you want to embed this video to one of your pages, please contact us.

Welcome to Business in One

Kangaroo Safari on Maestrano


Garden Corp on Maestrano


Social Media

Maestrano is present and active on multiple social networks. So not hesitate to follow us (we will follow you too) and to interact with us.

Facebook: maestrano

Twitter: @maestrano

Linkedin: maestrano

GooglePlus: +maestrano

Youtube: maestranomedia


If you require specific material not available on this page, feel free to contact our team on developers@maestrano.com


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