The marketing matrix

The marketing matrix


The marketing matrix is a critical piece for the integration of your application on Maestrano. By filling this document, you provide our team with the core elements to understand how your application is working and what are its key benefits. This matrix is used by our team to advise our customers but also by our partners, looking for solutions for their customers. By selecting specific tasks they want to perform, our smart tool delivers a set of apps. The matrix you need to fill will fuel this smart tool.


How do I receive the matrix for my application?

Your marketing point of contact will generate a dedicated document for your application; if you have not received it yet, feel free to send an email to developers@maestrano.com to request it.

How do I fill this matrix?

You need to dispatch 100 points between all the activities that are listed on this tab. It's up to you how you dispatch these points (one by one, 100 on one task; you can leave blank as many cells as you want).

When you read a task (column B), keep in mind the field associated with (column A).
In case your application performs a task that is not listed in the chart, feel free to add a line and highlight it in orange; allocate point to that line as well.

I have a question...

Feel free to ask any question you may have to your marketing point of contact at maestrano, or on developers@maestrano.com. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.



Is it better to dispatch my points between a small number of lines and put big numbers or allocate just a few points on a lot of lines?

This matrix is used to identify the best solution for a customer. If your app is very strong at one particular feature, you should definitely overweight it. If for some features, it is delivering the service, but with no advantage vs competition or in a way that is not optimal for end user, you should flag it too but with a small number of points. Typically, apps are having 5 to 6 areas that aggregates most of their points (70 to 90), and then a tail of 6 to 10 accounting for 10 to 30 points in total.


We will add new features to our app soon, how do I update this matrix?

Simply send an email to your point of contact and we will take care to reflect the evolution of your app to our stakeholders.


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