Infrastructure management: AWS? Azure? On premise?Status colour Green title Element needed
Admin? Users?Status colour Green title Element needed - Provision infrastructure account
URLs and SSL certificates to useStatus colour Green title Element needed - Provision URLs and SSL certificates for related URLs
Products / Components
coming soon..: activate / de-activate custom features, admin access, frontend set up, etc.
Connec! - Connectors
Obtain developer keys involving MNO in the processStatus colour Green title Element needed - Configure the connector using this the these developer keys (see: Renew and Install Xero entrust certificates)
Cloud - Connectors
Connector hosting: on-premise? from the cloud, hosted on Maestrano Infrastructure?Status colour Green title Element needed - If on premise:
Obtain developer keys involving MNO in the processStatus colour Green title Element needed - Deploy connector on Nex! (see: Deploying a Connector)
Third party cloud applications
- Verify that the application is managed from the developer platform / is multi-marketplace
- If not, contact application for them to start developer platform migration (see: How to migrate to the developer platform)
Hosted applications
- Verify that the application is managed from the developer platform / is multi-marketplacecoming soon
Third Party Systems
Performance monitoring
- Create Intercom account and set it up on MNOE (see: Intercom)
- Create a JIRA Service Desk project - if applicable
Payment Gateway
Braintree / Eway / Other? Existing account or new account?Status colour Green title Element needed - Create / Set up account for enterprise customer and invite admin
Open accounts for:
- Google Analytics
- OpenexchangeRates
- Pusher (may not be required if impac-angular is not used
- )
Data Migration
Applicable in the following case:
If an enterprise customer started a POC with a simple express / tenant on Maestrano Environment, and wants to move to its own enterprise architecture, he may ask Maestrano to migrate his existing data (User's data in MNOHub and User's business data in Connec!)
Steps to perform to migrate existing data:
- Disconnect all existing accounts
- Create dump of Connec!™ and filter
- Create dump of MaestranoHub and filter
- If on-premise connectors: create dump and filter
- ; otherwise: Connectors: rename tenant
- Destroy or freeze
- existing customers on
- Maestrano Environment