Native Private Cloud Deployment

The deployment patterns presented in this section are suitable when the use of VMs (AWS, Azure, GCP) or bare metal servers (OVH, on-premise) is preferred. These deployment patterns are called "native" because they do not use any infrastructure abstraction/management layer such as Docker.

1 - Private Cloud Deployment

This deployment pattern is the most standard one. It can be used on AWS, Azure, GCP and even on-premise. It is suitable to be used with automation frameworks such Ansible, Chef or Puppet. In the case where AWS is used one can use Maestrano's open source deployment framework based on ansible.

2 - Private Cloud deployment behind a WAF

This deployment pattern is recommended for companies wishing to deployment the Maestrano platform behind a corporate firewall or requiring additional control at the routing level for compliance purpose. This pattern is essentially the same as the first one but with a WAF controlling the incoming/outgoing traffic. 

Note that all Maestrano components are designed to use HTTP(s) traffic only and are therefore suitable for use behind a HTTP(s) proxy (incoming/outgoing).