0 Overview
New Relic is a tool used to give deep performance analytics for every part of your platform: applications and servers. You can easily view and analyse massive amounts of data, and gain actionable insights in real-time. It's a major tool to use in case of an incident.
1 Setting up New Relic for Maetrano
2 Applications / APM
To know more about APMs, see 2 Application Performance Monitoring (APM)
Important KPIs to follow on an APM:
- Web or non-web Transactions
- Response time
- Error rate
- APDEX score
- Availability
3 Servers
To know more about Servers, see coming soon
Important KPIs to follow on a server:
- CPU usage
- Memory
- Load
4 Synthetics
To know more about Synthetics, see: 4 Synthetics