- From where do you want to manage your infrastructure: AWS? Azure? On premise?
- If applicable, provide a list of admin and simple users for the infrastructure management tool
- Provide URLs and SSL certificates to use for the different components - uat UAT and productionProduction
- Define the number and name of tenants (=frontendsexpress) you need on each of your environments
- Provide URLs ad SSL certificates to use for each frontendtenant / express
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- Define the list of existing features you want access to (see: Maestrano Catalogue)
- Who must have admin access to the platform (access to users' list, organisations' list, API credentials etc.)?
- Who must have admin access to each tenant / frontend express (access to users' list, organisations' list from the admin dashboard)?
- Activate / Deactivate features (admin dashboard / KPIs & Alerting / etc.)
- Give admin rights to relevant users, on the platform (using active_admin) and on the tenant (using the admin dashboard)
- Create a maestrano account with admin rights for each frontendtenant / express: support@maestrano.com (credentials only accessible by Maestrano Support Team)
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- If on premise:
- Add a new environement environment on developers.maestrano.com
- Deploy connectors on Nex! specific instance (see: Deploying a Connector)
We recommend the use of New Relic (https://newrelic.com/) to manage your performances / error rates / availabilitiesavailability...
- Do you prefer using New Relic or a different system? Do you have an existing account or do you need a new one?
- What's the list of your users/admins?
- SumoLogic, Splunk or different system? Existiging Existing account or new account?
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- Which tool should be used: Mandrill / SparkPost / Mailgun / Classic SMTP? Do you have an existing account or should we create a new one?
- Who must have admin access to the tool?
- Do you need customisationscustomisation / branding on your emails?
If an enterprise customer started a POC with a simple express / tenant on Maestrano Environment, and wants to move to its own enterprise architecture, he may ask Maestrano to migrate his existing data (User's data in MNOHub and User's business data in Connec!)Steps to perform to migrate existing data:
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- Disconnect all existing accounts
- Create dump of Connec!™ and filter
- Create dump of MaestranoHub and filter
- If on-premise connectors: create dump and filter; otherwise: Connectors: rename tenant
- Destroy or freeze existing customers on Maestrano Environment