What data is shared with - Freshbooks
Here you will find all the information you look for regarding the data sharing between Freshbooks and the other apps of the marketplace
Interesting workflow you can accomplish with Freshbooks on our Marketplace
When a product is created or updated in my e-commerce application, the item is also created or updated in FreshBooks.
When an order is placed in my ecommerce, it automatically creates an invoice in FreshBooks (the corresponding client will be created or matched and the payment recorded, the product is added as an item).
When a customer is created in Freshbooks, it also creates a record in my CRM.
When I create an expense in my Expense Management software, it creates an expense in Freshbooks.
When an invoice, a bill, a contact or a payment is created in Freshbooks, it is also created in other accounting package. This may be interesting if you use Freshbooks for its simplicity while your accountant uses another accounting package and needs your input.
Data shared between Freshbooks and other apps
CRM and Sales data shared
Entity in Connec! | Entity in Freshbooks | From Freshbooks to other apps | From other apps to Freshbooks | See it on my Impac! Dashboard |
People | Client | Invoice List widget (If invoice is attached) | ||
Leads | Leads funnel / Leads list widgets | |||
Organisations | Clients' company | Invoice List widget (If invoice is attached) | ||
Items | Items | Growth per product widget (if sales behind product) |
Accounting data shared
Entity in Connec! | Entity in Freshbooks | From Freshbooks to other apps | From other apps to Freshbooks | See it on my Impac! Dashboard |
Accounts | Account balance / Accounts comparison widgets | |||
Invoices | Invoices | All invoice widgets | ||
Payment Methods | Gateways | |||
Payments | Payments | Balance sheet widget (accounts receivables / accounts payables are updated) | ||
Taxes | Taxes |
Only invoices that you send to clients are shared between Freshbooks and Connec!.
In the following section add the main limitation / specific information regarding the data mapping of this specific entity as a Question/Answer, e.g.:
Team Work
All the apps available on Maestrano marketplace share data with Freshbooks
However, these three apps are the best matching for Freshbooks
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