How to get started with Star! on

Star!™ introduces all the training you need, within your applications. Gone are the days of spending days or weeks learning to use an application, with Star!™ you learn as you go. Think of it as training wheels for software. And it's always there if you need a little help. 




First, you have to log in on your maestrano dashboard







Star!™is located in the left side bar, in the lower part of the bar.





Once you click on the Star!™ menu, it allows you to pick which action you want to perform!







By selecting one menu, it expands and propose multiple tutorials.





For example, if you want to add a new member to your company, you have to click on the rubric ‘’ Add a member to your company ‘’ and follow the steps! 


Star!™ shows you the way and let you perform your action! You are not left stuck in from of a screen with menus that do not look like your video!

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