Using OmniAuth2
OAuth 2 is an authorization protocol that enables a third-party applications to obtain limited access to an HTTP service. One of the main aspects of this protocol is the access token that is issued to the application. This token is used by the app to perform various actions on the user’s behalf. However, it can’t perform something that was not approved (for example, the user may only allow an app to fetch information about contacts, but not orders or products).
The connector framework provides a template controller to implement the OmniAuth2 (Web Server) authentication cycle. Three actions are provided:
request_omniauth. The main purpose of this action is to send the request to YourApplication website to retrieve a unique code that will be exchanged for a token. A typical implementation, using the Omniauth gem (Your application might provide a specific gem), would look like this:
def request_omniauth
return redirect_to root_url unless is_admin
# Retrieve the uid of your organization
org_uid = params[:org_uid]
# This parameter is specific to Shopify
shop_name = params[:shop]
if shop_name.blank?
flash[:error] = 'My shopify store url is required'
return redirect_to root_url
shop = shop_name.strip + ''
auth_params = {
# Include the state in your request
:state => current_organization.uid,
:shop => shop
# Make sure to provide a sanitised URL
auth_params = URI.escape(auth_params.collect { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join('&'))
# Request the code using the Omniauth gem implementation
redirect_to "/auth/#{params[:provider]}?#{auth_params}", id: 'sign_in'
create_omniauth. This action consumes the callback received from the authorization server and updates current_organization
with the credentials. A typical implementation would look like this:
def create_omniauth
omniauth_params = request.env['omniauth.params']
org_uid = omniauth_params['state'] if omniauth_params
response = request.env['omniauth.auth']
return redirect_to root_url unless is_admin && org_uid && response
# This parameter is specific to Shopify, and can be any unique identifier sent by YourApplication
shop_name = response.uid
# This method is provided by the framework and expects data with specific fields. Find more information in the FAQ section.
current_organization.instance_url = "https://#{shop_name}/admin"
flash[:alert] = "Oops, your account could not be linked. #{format_errors(current_organization)}"
return redirect_to root_url
# Webhooks implementation is application specific
token = response['credentials']['token']
Shopify::Webhooks::WebhooksManager.queue_create_webhooks(org_uid, shop_name, token)
redirect_to root_url
rescue => e
Maestrano::Connector::Rails::ConnectorLogger.log('warn', current_organization, "An error has occurred in the auth process: #{e}")
return redirect_to root_url
destroy_omniauth. This action takes care of clearing the information from your {{current-organization}}:
def destroy_omniauth
return redirect_to root_url unless is_admin
redirect_to root_url