If you already have a customised Magento or if you want to customise your Magento and keep it on Maestrano Platform, you will need to contact developers experts in Magento customisations. Once they have finished their customisation work, they will need to deploy their development on our platform. This is a guide for your developers to explain them how to deploy their development on our platform so that you can access your customised app from your dashboard.

Step-by-step guide

First, develop locally, on a docker image

  1. Have a look at our documentation to understand how to build and run a docker container with default Magento configuration

  2. Pull down the image from Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/maestrano/magento/
If you need more information about Docker and Docker Hub, you can have a look at https://docs.docker.com/linux/ and https://docs.docker.com/docker-hub/.


Our SSH access is not designed for development on the fly, but for deployment.


Once the development work is finished, you will need to SSH-access the Maestrano-Magento application's backend

  1. Ask the an admin to invite you on his organisation on his Maestrano account (Company>Members>Invite Users) and to give you "Admin" or "Super Admin" access rights
  2. Add a Magento application to the organisation and launch it; you have now a Magento application hosted on Maestrano, and you can access it through the given url directly (e.g. https://xyz.mcube.co/)
  3. Integrate the Maestrano Developers Community (My account>Developer) to get access to an API Key and a Secret Key
  4. Access the Magento application's container by adding '/shell' to the Magento's url (e.g. https://xyz.mcube.co/shell) and login with your API Key and a Secret Key as username and password

Finally, upload your development work

  1. Upload an archive containing the files required on a public server
  2. Download it from the web shell you accessed on the step 1 via a command similar to "wget http://myserver.com/myatchive.tar.gz"
  3. Extract the uploaded customisation on the Magento root folder, located under the path /var/lib/magento/webapp