In this page, replace all the occurences of Dolibarr by the name of the app

Here you will find all the information you look for regarding the data sharing between Dolibarr and the other apps of the marketplace


Interesting workflow you can accomplish with Dolibarr on our MarketPlace

Add here a list of workflows that the user will be able to accomplish with other apps, e.g.:

You can create your contact in vTiger, and attach an invoice to this contact in vTiger, then change the status of the invoice to "Paid" in Quickbooks

When I create a product in Dolibarr, it is shared with other applications, incl. accounting and invoicing.

When I create a customer in my CRM, it appears in Dolibarr.

When I create an invoice in Dolibarr, it appears with the correct status in my accounting system



Data shared between Dolibarr and other apps

In following sections, add the data shared with Connec! and other apps on the platform:

- "Entity shared", use the name of the entity displayed for the user in the application, update entities or add new entities if necessary

- "From Dolibarr to other apps" and "From other apps to Dolibarr" : add the corresponding sign to indicate if the data is pushed/pulled to Connec!


CRM and Sales data shared


From Dolibarr to other apps

From other apps to DolibarrSee it on my Impac! Dashboard




All invoice widgets


Growth per product widget (if sales behind product)



Accounting data shared


From Dolibarr to other apps

From other apps to DolibarrSee it on my Impac! Dashboard

 Account balance / Accounts comparison widgets

All invoice widgets

Balance sheet widget (accounts receivables / accounts payables are updated)

Sales orders




coming soon...

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Team Work 

All the apps available on Maestrano marketplace share data with Dolibarr

However, these three apps are the best matching for Dolibarr  

Add logo here with the name

Add logo here with the name

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