To active the KPIs & Alerting feature on your app, all the configuration steps described below must completed. 

1. Configuring MnoHub!

  1. The app must be connected to a KPI enabled tenant. A KPI enabled tenant with the following metadata attribute:

    tenant[:metadata][:kpi_enabled] = true

2. Configuring Connec!

  1. A Connec! Webhook needs to be created, this can be done by /wiki/spaces/DEV/pages/90439768 or by directly creating one via the Rails Console. Below is an example of the Connec Webhook object, for the Impac! KPIs & Alerting feature. It is important that this object is configured with the correct tenant credentials (as api_key & api_secret), Impac! API endpoint, and must be subscribed to receive 'Journals'.

        api_key: 'AN_API_KEY', 
        api_secret: 'AN_API_SECRET', 
        endpoint: 'ENDPOINT_URL', 
        name: 'NAME', 
        subscribed_entities: ['ARRAY_OF_ENTITIES'],
        detailed_notifications: false

3. Configuring Impac!

  1. Pusher (websockets service) & Sparkpost (email delivery service) keys are configured in Impac! API (config/application.yml):


  2. Add Maestrano Master Tenant (SystemIdentity) credentials to Impac! API (config/application.yml). This is used as the basic authentication when Impac! queries MnoHub to retrieve KPIs.


4. Configuring the Frontend (Express / MnoEnterprise Angular)

  1. Impac! Angular needs to be provided with a Pusher Key to connect to the Pusher websockets service from the client. There are 2 ways to do this:
    1. MnoEnterprise Angular now provides this automatically to Impac! Angular by passing an environment variable configured in Nex! or the MnoEnterprise Express application.

      impac_pusher_key: PUSHER_KEY

    2. Manually by configuring the Impac! Angular ImpacLinkingSvc

      // Link required and optional data in on sweep.
      ImpacLinkingSvc.linkData({ user: ..., organizations: ..., pusher_key: 'KEY' })
      // OR:
      ImpacLinkingSvc.linkOptionalData({pusher_key: 'KEY'})

  2. Configured Impac! Angular's Theming Provider, enabling the feature.

    options = {
        	enableKpis: true
    		enableAlerts: true