This articles describes how to setup the Maestrano Hub component using the Nex!™ Platform as a Service.
1 - Prerequisites
This documentation is tailored to be used with Maestrano Paas Nex!™.
- You need first to have a github account inside the organization allowed by the Nex!™ installation.
- Generate your Nex! Api key by accessing the Nex!™ url and allowing the application.
- Install Nex! Cli
# install nex_client gem install nex_client # Set authentication export NEX_API_KEY= <your nex! api key> export NEX_ENDPOINT=<URL of your next! application for example> # Display all available commands nex-cli --help
2 - Configuration
Create a configuration file based to set the environment variables, eg: application.mno-hub
Do not check this file into version control!
Update the value according to your configuration
########################### # General Configuration ########################### RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_MAX_THREADS=25 RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT=true JRUBY_WEB_OPTS=-J-Xms1536m -J-Xmx1536m -J-server JRUBY_WORKER_OPTS=-J-Xms1024m -J-Xmx1024m -J-server ################################### # Secrets ################################### # This key is used to encrypt credentials in database. Use "rake secret" to generate it. encryption_key=<GENERATE ME> # Rails secret. Use "rake secret" to generate it. secret_key_base=<GENERATE ME> # Rails secret. Use "rake secret" to generate it. secret_token=<GENERATE ME> ################################### # Platform components endpoints ################################### # Url of your Impac installation IMPAC_ENDPOINT= # Url of your MnoHub installation MNOHUB_ENDPOINT= conf_hub_api_protocol=https DEV_PLATFORM_ENDPOINT= DEV_PLATFORM_SHARED_SECRET=<Ask Us> # Connec Configuration Replace with appropriate values CONNEC_ENDPOINT= connec_authentication_key= connec_authentication_secret= conf_connec_paths_accounts_summary=/api/reports/:channel/accounts_summary conf_connec_paths_all_accounts=/api/reports/:org_uid/account_balances conf_connec_paths_balance_sheet=/api/reports/:channel/balance_sheet conf_connec_paths_customers_invoices=/api/reports/:channel/customers_invoices conf_connec_paths_suppliers_invoices=/api/reports/:channel/suppliers_invoices conf_connec_paths_sync=/v1/:instance_uid/sync conf_connec_port=443 conf_connec_protocol=https conf_connec_upload_protocol=http ################################### # Assets Management ################################### # The AWS credentials to use to manage the 'assets' bucket (used to upload images, js/css files) aws_s3_access_key_id= aws_s3_secret_access_key= conf_carrierwave_asset_host= conf_carrierwave_private_bucket= conf_carrierwave_public_bucket= conf_carrierwave_region= ################################### # Application Configuration ################################### # OPTIONAL: if specified then an initial tenant will be created on first deploy default_tenant_id=ea6009b0-be7b-0132-7f2c-22000a93862b default_tenant_key= default_tenant_name=Maestrano UAT default_tenant_scheme=http # Enable/Disable sidekiq for Maestrano Hub. Should be set to false conf_background_job_disable_recurring_jobs=false # Default support email displayed on pages # Used for geolocalisation conf_geocoder_ip_lookup=geoip2 conf_geocoder_lookup=google conf_google_map_api_key= conf_microsoft_partner_id= # This value is used to generate unique email addresses for application providers # This service is used to convert monetary values. Put your API key OPENEXCHANGERATES_APP_ID=< API key> # OPTIONAL: New Relic app name and enablement flag. newrelic_app_name= newrelic_license_key= ############################################################################################# # Applications Hosting # OPTIONAL: only required if hosted apps are enabled. Please contact us. ############################################################################################# # Nex! configuration - only required if hosted apps or webstores must be enabled NEX_API_KEY= NEX_ENDPOINT= # Force all access to the app over SSL, use Strict-Transport-Security, and use secure cookies. FORCE_SSL=true ############################################################################################# # Payment Gateways # OPTIONAL ############################################################################################# # Braintree credentials. braintree_merchant_id= braintree_private_key= braintree_public_key= # eWay credentials. eway_login= eway_password= eway_username=
3 - Nex!™ - Deploying the app
2.1 - Create the app
# Create the app, with the correct environment variable # Adjust the tags and description based on the environment you are deploying to nex-cli apps:create maestrano/web-jruby --env-file <path/to/application.mno-hub> --size 20 --tags "jruby,core,mnohub,production" --desc "MnoHub Production" # Save the app name to a var to make your life easier export app=clueless-turkey-1 # Transfer app ownership to your parent organization (e.g. maestrano) nex-cli apps:transfer $app maestrano # Link the application to the code package # NOTE: the S3 credentials must have been provided to you by the Maestrano team nex-cli apps:scm $app --link s3:mnoe-packages/mnohub/releases:1.0.31 --credentials somelogin:somepassword # Add the mysql and redis add-ons nex-cli addons:create mysql $app nex-cli addons:create redis $app # Start it nex-cli apps:up $app # Check the logs nex-cli apps:logs $app
You can now go to the Nex!™ generated URL (e.g. and check that everything is working properly.
2.2 - Register Log Drain on SumoLogic
You first need to register a Hosted SumoLogic Collector and use the generated collector URL
- Go to Manage > Collection > Add Collector
- Select "Hosted Collector" (the collector will be hosted by SumoLogic)
- For the name you should use the name of your actual connector for the log drain. E.g.: connector-vend-prd or connector-vend-uat
- SumoLogic then ask the type of collector you want. Select "HTTP"
- Use the same name as the collector for the name of the HTTP endpoint (e.g. connector-vend or connector-vend-uat)
- Select "UTC/Etc" for the timezone
- Once created SumoLogic will display a popup showing the log drain URL. Just copy that and use it for the next step
2.3 - Setting up a custom domain
First create a CNAME to your app using your DNS manager (e.g. AWS Route53, GoDaddy, etc.):
host # => is an alias (CNAME) for
# Create a domain nex-cli domains:create $app # Add the SSL certs nex-cli certs:create $app --cert path-to-the-cert.crt --bundle path-to-the-bundle.crt --privkey .path-to-the-private.key.pem