# ===> App Configuration
# => environment
# The environment of your application. Common values are:
# - "production", for your integration on a platform in a Production environment or UAT environment
# - "production-sandbox", for the sandbox you use for your tests during the integration on maestrano.com
# - "test", for the SSO test on the Sandbox
"environment": "test",
# => host (required)
# This is your application host. For UAT and Production environments, it must be a publicly resolvable URL, you cannot use "http://localhost:3000" for instance.
"app": {
"host": "http://my-app.com"
"api": {
# => id (required)
# The id of your app.
# For maestrano.com integration, it corresponds to the App ID of your Maestrano App Provider API Dashboard.
# For other platform, we will send it to you with your API key.
"id": "app-19op",
# => host (required)
# It corresponds to the platform host.
# It changes with the tenant and the environment. We will provide you the correct host for the platform you are being connected to.
"host": "http://api-sandbox.maestrano.io"
# ===> SSO Configuration
"sso": {
# => idm
# By default we consider that the domain managing user identification is the same as your application host (see above config.app.host parameter).
# If you have a dedicated domain managing user identification and therefore responsible for the single sign-on handshake (e.g: https://idp.my-app.com) then you can specify it below
"idm": "https://idp.myapp.com",
# => init_path (required)
# This is the path in your application that allows users to initiate the Single Sign-On handshake.
# Upon reaching this endpoint users your application will automatically create a SSO request and redirect the user to Maestrano. Maestrano will then authenticate and authorize the user.
"init_path": "/maestrano/auth/saml/init.php",
# This value can be changed on a per-tenant basis:
# "init_path": "/maestrano/auth/saml/init.php?tenant=mytenant"
# => consume_path (required)
# This is your application path to the SAML endpoint that allows users to finalize SSO authentication.
# During the 'consume' action your application sets users (and associated group) up and/or log them in.
"consume_path": "/maestrano/auth/saml/consume.php",
# This value can be changed on a per-tenant basis:
# "consume_path": "/maestrano/auth/saml/consume.php?tenant=mytenant"
# => idp (required)
# It corresponds to the platform host.
# It changes with the tenant and the environment. We will provide you the correct host for the platform you are being connected to.
"idp": "https://maestrano.com",
# => x509_fingerprint and x509_certificate
# It changes with the tenant and the environment. We will provide you the correct host for the platform you are being connected to.
"x509_fingerprint": "8a:1e:2e:76:c4:67:80:68:6c:81:18:f7:d3:29:5d:77:f8:79:54:2f"
# ===> Data Sharing
# This section describes how to configure the Account and Connec!™ webhooks
# => connec.host (required)
# It corresponds to the endpoint used to fetch data from.
# It changes with the tenant and the environment. We will provide you the correct host for the platform you are being connected to.
"connec": {
"host": "https://api-connec.maestrano.com"
"webhook": {
# Maestrano will issue a DELETE request to the following paths to notify you
# of any service cancellation (group deletion) or any user being removed from a group.
# => groups_path (required)
# => group_users_path (required)
"account": {
"groups_path": "/maestrano/account/groups/:id",
"group_users_path": "/maestrano/account/groups/:group_id/users/:id"
# ==> Connec Subscriptions/Webhook
# The following section is used to configure the Connec!™ webhooks and which entities
# you should receive via webhook.
"connec": {
# => notifications_path (required)
# This is the path of your application where notifications (created/updated entities) will
# be POSTed to.
# You should have a controller matching this path handling the update of your internal entities
# based on the Connec!™ entities you receive
"notifications_path": "/maestrano/connec/notifications",
# => subscriptions (required)
# This is the list of entities (organizations, people, invoices etc.) for which you want to be
# notified upon creation/update in Connec!™
"subscriptions": {
"accounts": true,
"company": true,
"events": false,
"event_orders": false,
"invoices": true,
"items": true,
"journals": false,
"organizations": true,
"payments": false,
"pay_items": false,
"pay_schedules": false,
"pay_stubs": false,
"pay_runs": false,
"people": true,
"projects": false,
"tax_codes": true,
"tax_rates": false,
"time_activities": false,
"time_sheets": false,
"venues": false,
"work_locations": false
} |