When deploying an application from S3 you may see the following error:
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('Connection aborted.', gaierror(-2, 'Name or service not known') |
You can force the real error to appear by doing:
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# Applicable if the S3 bucket is located in the ap-southeast-1 region
nex-cli apps:vars my_app -a S3_REGION=ap-southeast-1
nex-cli apps:up |
The following error should appear in the cubes:events
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A client error (Forbidden) occurred when calling the HeadObject operation: Forbidden |
To solve this issue simply relink your container to S3 using the right credentials
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# Relink your app
nex-cli apps:scm myapp --link s3:my-bucket/my_folder:my_branch --credentials MY_AWS_KEY:MY_AWS_SECRET
# For help
nex-cli apps:scm myapp -h |
Therefore it is preferable to specify the actual AWS region of your S3 bucket through your app environment variables.
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# E.g. if your bucket is located in the ap-southeast-2 region
nex-cli apps:vars my_app -a S3_REGION=ap-southeast-2 |