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Maestrano currently provides four SDKs to facilitate the integration of Single Sign-On, Billing and Data Sharing. Current SDKs are: Java, PHP, Ruby and .NET.


To retrieve the dynamic configuration, do a GET request to using your developer platform environment API Key and Secret.

Image Modified

Below is a commented example of a dynamic configuration endpoint response:

Code Block
titleExample of dynamic configuration endpoint

curl -u <Developer Platform API Key:<Developer Platform API Secret> -X "GET" -H 'Accept: application/json'
curl -u ddddfd-sdfsf-49b2-9675-sadfs:NRNEUmKskTyOdfdfx_1215454-X "GET" -H 'Accept: application/json'

# Response
  "marketplaces": [
      # => marketplace
      # The name of this marketplace configuration.
      "marketplace": "maestrano",

      # => nid
      # NID of your app on this marketplace.
      "nid": "demo-app-production",

	  # => environment
      # The name of your application.
      "environment": "demo-app",

      # => host
      # This is your application informations.
      "app": {
        "host": ""

 	  # => Marketplace (Mno-Hub) API
      # Informations & credentials for your app to connect to this marketplace API. 
      # Those values are provided automatically.
      "api": {
        "id": "608d42d2-4bf2-f76a-ba5a-f76a-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
        "key": "bdePCmsBXz4XXXXXXXXX",
        "host": "",
        "base": "/api/v1/"

      # => SSO configuration
      # Informations & credentials for your app to connect to this marketplace API. 
      # Those values are provided automatically.
      "sso": {
        # => idm
        # By default we consider that the domain managing user identification is the same as your application host (see above parameter).
        # If you have a dedicated domain managing user identification and therefore responsible for the single sign-on handshake (e.g: then you can specify it in the developer platform.
        "idm": "",
        # => init_path (required)
        # This is the path in your application that allows users to initiate the Single Sign-On handshake.
        # Upon reaching this endpoint, users on your application will automatically create a SSO request and redirect the user to Maestrano. Maestrano will then authenticate and authorize the user.
        "init_path": "/maestrano/auth/saml/init/maestrano-dev",

        # => consume_path (required)
        # This is your application path to the SAML endpoint that allows users to finalize SSO authentication.
        # During the 'consume' action, your application sets users (and associated group) up and/or log them in.
        "consume_path": "/maestrano/auth/saml/consume/maestrano-dev",

        # => idp
        # It corresponds to the platform host.
        # The endpoint will provide you the correct host for the platform you are being connected to.
        "idp": "",

        # => x509_fingerprint and x509_certificate
        # The endpoint will provide you the correct host for the platform you are being connected to.
        "x509_fingerprint": "1A:89:28:62:78:CE:63:26:3A:20:23:9C:20:78:36:8A:B5:2E:CC:BE",
        "x509_certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDcjCCAlqgA (...) wjlUbMnInFMUsqbw==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"

      # ===> Data Sharing
      # This section describes Connec!™ configuration
      "connec": {
        # => (required)
        # It corresponds to the endpoint used to fetch data from.
        # It changes with the tenant and the environment. We will provide you the correct host for the platform you are being connected to.
        "host": "",
        "base_path": "/api/v2",
        "timeout": 300

      # => Data Sharing
      # This section describes Connec!™ configuration
      "webhooks": {
        # Maestrano will issue a DELETE request to the following paths to notify you
        # of any service cancellation (group deletion) or any user being removed from a group.
        # => groups_path
        # => group_users_path
        "account": {
          "group_path": "/maestrano/account/groups/:id/maestrano-dev",
          "group_user_path": "/maestrano/account/groups/:group_id/users/:id/maestrano-dev"

        # Connec Subscriptions/Webhook
        # The following section configures the Connec!™ webhooks
        "connec": {
          "external_ids": true,
          "initialization_path": null,
          # => notifications_path (required)
          # This is the path of your application where notifications (created/updated entities) will be POSTed to.
          # You should have a controller matching this path handling the update of your internal entities
          # based on the Connec!™ entities you receive
          "notification_path": "/maestrano/connec/notifications/maestrano-dev",
          "subscriptions": null
      "nid": "demo-app-production",
      "marketplace": "some-telco",
      "environment": "demo-app",
      "app": {
        "host": "",
        "synchronization_start_path": "/maestrano/maestrano-uat/synchronizations",
        "synchronization_toggle_path": "/maestrano/maestrano-uat/synchronizations/toggle_sync",
        "synchronization_status_path": "/maestrano/maestrano-uat/synchronizations/:cld-uid"
      "api": {
        "id": "app-15dh",
        "key": "6daaadfa07701c8819ca4a6ad85948cc4b84051e0e4927aa33f29dd3faee1303",
        "host": "",
        "base": "/api/v1/"
      "sso": {
        "idm": "",
        "init_path": "/maestrano/auth/saml/init/maestrano-uat",
        "consume_path": "/maestrano/auth/saml/consume/maestrano-uat",
        "idp": "",
        "x509_fingerprint": "861e:2e:54:c4:67:80:68:47:81:18:f7:d3:29:87:77:f8:69:54:2f",
        "x509_certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDezCCAuSgAwIBAgIJ (...) TnpziApEC7uUsBou2rlKmTGw==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
      "connec": {
        "host": "",
        "base_path": "/api/v2",
        "timeout": 300
      "webhooks": {
        "account": {
          "group_path": "/maestrano/account/groups/:id/maestrano-uat",
          "group_user_path": "/maestrano/account/groups/:group_id/users/:id/maestrano-uat"
        "connec": {
          "external_ids": true,
          "initialization_path": null,
          "notification_path": "/maestrano/connec/notifications/maestrano-uat",
          "subscriptions": null


titleRegarding App Id and Secret

Beware, the my-app-id and my-app-secret used to call these API needs to be retrieved previously using a GET call to

3.1 Membership Management
