What is the data shared with Connec! - Salesforce

Here you will find all the information you look for regarding the data sharing between Salesforce and the other apps of the marketplace

Interesting workflow you can accomplish with Salesforce on our MarketPlace

When an Account, Contact or Lead is created in SalesForce, it is automatically created or updated in your CRM and Accounting software

When a Product is created in SalesForce, it is automatically created or updated in your CRM and Accounting software

When an Opportunity is created in SalesForce, it is automatically created or updated in your CRM and is also available on your Impac! sales funnel

Data shared between Salesforce and other apps

CRM and Sales data shared

Entity in Connec Entity in Salesforce

From Salesforce to other apps

From other apps to SalesforceSee it on my Impac! Dashboard

Invoice List widget (If invoice is attached)

Leads funnel / Leads list widgets

Invoice List widget (If invoice is attached)

Growth per product widget (if sales behind product)

Opportunity funnel widget


Which version of Salesforce are supported by this integration?

Only Enterprise and Unlimited editions support API access; if your subscription is on a different plan, you will need to upgrade to be able to connect to other systems.

Still getting error "Your Salesforce account does not support API access" even after upgrade?

Firstly, you need to logout from the exiting session of salesforce then login again in the same browser as that of Maestrano to link your account. Also, re-verify the Salesforce account name on the connector page.

It is because, though you created a new enterprise account however it was linked to previous account which needs to be disconnected and re-linked with the new one.

Some records are not shared, what can I do?

Salesforce allows each user to enforce Field-Level Security. This means that your account might have some fields disabled that will prevent the API to accept the record.

You can find the documentation HERE

If you are the system administrator, or have the right to modify the security on the account, you can enable all the fields manually.

The exact path to these settings might vary depending on your account. Using Lighting Enterprise edition, you can find them under the 'Field Accessibility' tab:

How do I change my default currency?
 When linking you Salesforce account, you are asked to specify your Salesforce currency to ensure that all prices for products and opportunities will be synchronised with this currency.
 However, it is possible that later on you want to change your default currency in Salesforce. In order to make sure that future prices will be in that currency, you need to disconnect your account (Click on Salesforce on your dashboard => Settings => Access add-on settings), and then, relink your account with your new currency.

Team Work 

All the apps available on Maestrano marketplace share data with Salesforce

However, these three apps are the best matching for Salesforce  



MYOB AccountRight

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